Sunday, April 29, 2007


We love fresh veggies. Last summer we would frequent the Broad Ripple Farmers Market every Saturday to purchase our veggies for the week. There is nothing better than eating fresh tomatoes, lettuces, squash, and of course Indiana sweet corn. I've been doing some research about organic veggies and came across this great local resource. The Center Valley Organic Farm and CSA is located just west of Indianapoils and services the Indianapolis area with fresh organic veggies through a Community Supported Agriculture program. You can apply to participate in the 2007 CSA through the above link...We are going to give it a try on a trial basis in late June. I'm looking forward to supporting local agriculture ventures!

Bon appetit!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

MMmmmm fresh veggies, we are growing some of our own, but what we don't grow I love to get at farmers markets too.